All posts by phensmans

Who are we?

from left: Roberto, Bruno, Silvana, Piero, Fiorenzo (2020)

Bruno and Fiorenzo OFM. Piero, Roberto, Silvana collaborate with a rich network of friends and associations concerned with social projects in various European countries. During the many years spent abroad we became deeply involved in the themes of multiculturalism, Europe and peace. Our work resulted in the creation of several social and cultural initiatives.
After the establishment in 2001 of the European Centre of Gargnano,  our activities become focused on supporting the growth of Europe and taking up some of her challenges: the European citizenship as built from various values and forms of democratic participation, the multicultural society (from the European motto “United in diversity”), the dialogue among religions, and the nonviolent solution of conflicts of interest (positive peace). After a long involvement with social and cultural issues, we intend now to integrate the same commitment with a spiritual dimension, thus intersecting the horizontal axis with the vertical axis. Continue reading Who are we?

3. Where are we?

The convent and its spaces

ediThe word convent derives from the Latin con-venire (to get together). It simply refers to a meeting place. From their origins convents reserved therefore a space to accommodate travellers and for long time they were considered a safe haven for asylum seekers. A convent is indeed the ideal place of rest for modern pilgrims, those searching for meaning and those tired of all challenges.  With its sober means of hospitality, the Convent of St. Thomas helps individuals and groups restore peace within themselves. Our thanks go to the Franciscan Order (Frati Minori, Region of Lombardy) for making the Convent of St. Thomas in Gargnano available to us. We conceived it to meet everybody’s need for time –so mysteriously difficult to manage in our contradictory pace of life. We offer it as a place that promotes peace and offers a pause for personal synthesis and a chance to regenerate oneself (ressourcement in French). Well aware of the myth of an earth without evil, our humble dream is simply to share, informally, tranquillity and silence, to offer the personal opportunity of a pleasant experience of retreat, a chance to listen, to think, and to find that rare word of wisdom. In our written words of Welcome  (Benvenuto-En),  we invite guests to help us in maintaining this atmosphere and adopting the style of living that makes a convent different from a hotel or a resort. As we have no financial support, besides that of guests and some friends, we ask for your help directed toward maintaining this structure for the time to come, for everybody and future generations. Internal features 20 rooms (10 single, 9 double, 1 for three persons) all with a toilet attached. With the exception of 5 rooms, showers and bathrooms are shared.
Common rooms include a conference room for about 50 people.
a meeting/seminar room for 20
a library/reading room
a room for meditation and prayer
a dining room and a kitchen, which is equipped for cooking meals independently.
The convent has special displays of antique collections of working instruments, measuring tools, and tiles, especially those of the liberty style.

External features The land associated with the convent includes an olive orchard and three large terraces where one can enjoy nature, the exceptional colours of Lake Garda below us, and the diverse patterns of the roofs of the suburb of Villa di Gargnano. In the summer these external spaces can also be used for meetings, discussion groups and training sessions. gargnano.jpg

How to go there ?

mappa-2.gifGargnano is located half way on the western shores of the Lake Garda
map on-line for Italy
For Europe
For other informations over Gargnano.


By car On the motorway Milano-Venezia, exit at Brescia Est or Desenzano (according to the direction of travelling) and follow the signs to Salò –Riva del Garda. On the road from Brennero, follow the signs Riva del Garda –Salò. The national road gardesana occidentale (SS 45 bis) travels through Gargnano. Coming from Salò and after Toscolano-Maderno, note the top sign Gargnano, cross the locality Boliaco with its large Villa Bettoni along the road, enter the locality Villa and keep an eye for the small yellow tourist sign “Chiesa di San Tommaso” on your right that sends you into a side road on the left. Follow this short, climbing road and its sharp right curve until its end in front of the church. Coming from Riva and after Campione, note the sign Gargnano and continue until the locality Villa, where the (now) right turn described above is after a petrol station. The European Centre is located inside the Convent St Thomas, which is besides of the church.

By public transports
If flying, select one of the following airports (in order of convenience): Bergamo, Verona, Milano Linate, Milano Malpensa, Treviso-Venezia. Each one has frequent buses connecting to a railway station. By rail reach the destinations of Brescia or Desenzano. For timetables and train tickets consult As you exit the railway station of Brescia, turn left and find the bus station of SIA, from where frequent buses takes you to Gargnano (1 hour 43 min trip). Ask the driver to drop you off at Villa di Gargnano. In front of the stop there is the small road that goes up towards the Center. For timetables consult or call +39 030 3774237. Be carful that the buses don’t run at all in August 15.
From Desenzano buses are less frequent, but you have the choice of a ferry to Gargnano. For timetables consult or call the green number 800 551801.t or write to porto-2.jpg


With its churches, palaces, villas (Feltrinelli and Bettoni) and limonaie (winter shelters for lemon trees), Gargnano is a charming tourist destination in itself.
Nearby attractions are: -* picturesque lakeside townships such as Sirmione, Malcesine, Riva, Toscolano, Gardone, and Salo’. -* mountain walks inside the National Park of the Alto Garda Bresciano and, on the east shores, on the popular Mount Baldo. -* historical and artistic cities such as Brescia, Mantova, Bergamo, Cremona, Verona with the Arena exhibitions, Vicenza, Padova and Venice. -* the leisure parks : water, mouvies and the famous Gardaland.
For further information:

From doing to being and viceversa

ediThe Centre européen de rencontre et de ressourcement, located in the Convent of St. Thomas, is intended as a ‘second-level agency’ that is, a resource for any association, especially those with a social and cultural aim. Thanks to the skills of its members and the network of European experts at its disposal, our Centre initiates and/or accompanies projects, supports international partnerships, promotes permanent activities for education, training and information. Continue reading From doing to being and viceversa


Welcome in the web site of the Centre européen de Rencontre et de Ressourcement.

With the closure of the Convent of San Tommaso (December 2020), the activities and hospitality that were placed here were also suspended. As there is no new project in sight for now, we can’t even tell you what will become of this beloved place.

This web site, which we want to keep available for now, will therefore be above all a site of memories, like a photo album to browse when you feel the need.

We thank all the people who shared time, effort and hope with us. As our Bruno would say, “grammar does not accredit it, but to hope is the present infinitive of the verb to live“. Good memories then become fertile ground for continuing to believe because we “have seen and can testify that a world of” peace and good “can exist and thrive”.

If you want to have a look about our first 10 years of life (2001-2011), please watch this video.



Program 2020

3 to 5 April

The  heart’s prayer :   Silent spirtual retreat
   with fhater Fiorenzo Reati, maximum 8 persons
For info: + 39-0365-71104 or
   Presentazione del ritiro

 24 to 26 April

Workshop about Hildegarde von Bingen with Maria Sonia Baldoni, founder of Casa delle Erbe and  Vivere con gioia –
For Info  : Jennifer Bonera <>

 15 to 17 May
Sen Shin (Purificazione del Cuore) by Akiko Tamura, 2017
Sen Shin by Akiko Tamura, 2017

Zen Meditation Practice Days managed by  Delfina Lusiardi- Center Durchkeim- and Akiko Tamura (Shodo Masteress) .
For informations :mail to Delfina Lusiardi or phone (++ 39 – 333.1551487

Program Zen 2020
Scheda di iscrizione – Enregistration form



Saturday 23 May from 9.30 to 12.30

MORNING OF SUFI SONG & DANCE with Glenn Unmana (in  English and Italian)
See more in:
Participation : 25€, concessions available
​Minimum 8 participants

5 July at 9.15
In Sint Thomas Church, Holy Mass in honor of the feast of the patron St. Thomas, with Andrea Zanini and his violoncello
 San Tommaso
Thursday 2-9-16-23-30 in July
Thursday 6-13-20-27 in August
from 9 to 10 yoga practice (option) with Silvana Panciera
from 10 to 12.30 prayer and presentation of these hight holiness figures
12.30 community diner (option)

Thursday 2 July         Theillard de Chardin                      p. Bruno Ducoli
Thursday 9 July          Hildegarde Von Bingen                Martina Bugada
Thursday 16 July        Pavlev Florenski                             p. Fiorenzo Reati
Thursday 23 July       
Marguerite Porete                       Silvana Panciera
Thursday 30 July        Papa Paolo VI                                   p. Bruno Ducoli
Thursday 6 August         Edhit Stein                                       p. Fiorenzo Reati
Thursday 13 August       Chiara d’Assisi                               Cristiana Santambrogio
Thursday 20 August       Maria Skobrova                               p. Fiorenzo Reati
Thursday 27 August      Dietrich Bonhoeffer                    p. Bruno Ducoli

28 to 30 August

Mantra and prayeryoga work shop with Antonia Tronti
Program session yoga


20 September at 5 pm

In Saint Thomas Convent’s Cluster,  Concert managed by  Associazione culturale In Musica Limes
DUO SYRINX Antonio Amenduni, Flute -Alberto Mesirca, Guitar

3 October 8.30 pm

S. Francesco by Petra HabensteinFranciscan Liturgy remembergin the Sint Francis passage to other life, by p. Bruno Ducoli, OFM  in the Saint François Church in Gargnano



31 December 11 pm
(the Convent will be open since 10.30pm)

Vigil prayer in the Saint Thomas Convent, animated by  gong of Franca Ghia.
After that, a toast in the Convent to welcome 2021 .

If no other indication, all the activities take place in theS Centro Europeo – Convento San Tommaso, via Poggio degli Ulivi, 6 – 25084 Gargnano – tél. 0365-71104

If you select the red texte, you will get the programme of the mentioned activity or the Web site of the mentioned person.



Broad horizons

On the basis of the skills of our members, resources are offered in the following fields:

An intercultural society : resources and contacts with associations to strengthen projects and methodologies to build a culturally pluralist society.
Contact : Bruno Ducoli –

A nonviolent society : cultural projects promoting nonviolent solutions of conflicts of interest through a knowledge of human nature.
Contact: Piero Giorgi –
To open his web site

Harmony in everyday life : collection of beautiful and interesting objects belonging to the world of (instruments of work, instruments of measurement,laces and fabrics, tiles…)for exhibitions.
Roberto has donated his collections – about 9,000 ceramic tiles collected in 30 years – to the Fondation Roi Baudouin, a prestigious Belgian national institution, so that they may be preserved and exhibited in Belgian museums. The Fondation has created a dedicated web site ( where you can find almost all the pictures of the tiles and where each of them will have a technical card. The site is in 4 languages, English, French, Dutch and German, the languages ​​of the major tiled collectors. You can admire the beautiful tiles by selecting them either by manufacturer or by country.
We refer with delight and satisfaction to the words of Mario Baeck, a leading Belgian tiles specialist, who evaluated Roberto’s collections when he says: “Roberto is a born collector who, besides the search for technique, production methods and functionality, was first attracted by the beauty and intelligence contained in those productions.
Photographic views of the daily beauty
Contact: Roberto Pozzo –

The Europe of citizens : action and cultural projects to improve knowledge, motivation, and participation among citizens concerning the creation of Europe.
Contact: Silvana Panciera –

Who and what to remember ?

Parmi nos invités

– D’Italie
– De l’étranger
– Les messages de nos invité(e)s : Livre d’ or
Parmi nos activités
Parmi nos publications

  • D’Italie
    – des groupes scouts de Treviso, de Torino et d’Ostiglia (MN)
    – Karma Tegsum Cio’ Ling, association bouddhiste de la tradition buddista della karma kagyu
    Cooperativa Tempo libero di Brescia
    -Diversa…mente, onlus [‘onlus’, donner, plus loin aussi, l’équivalent français] de Treviglio qui organise régulièrement des session de formation et des évaluations à partir de leur engagement interculturel
    Interculturando, coopérative de formation et d’expertise sur les problématiques de l’interculturalité
    -La rose blanche, groupe d’engagement socio-politique qui se construit à partir du binôme liberté-communauté
    – CICSENE, onlus de coopération au développement et d’intervention sur l’interculturalité
    – Libera Università dell’autobiografia di Anghiari
    – Fraternité Charles de Foucauld
    Caritas de Milano
    – Caritas de Lodi
    – Caritas de Brescia et son groupe “Politiques sociales”
    – le ACLI de Mantova, de Brescia et de sa province
    – Costellazione Aquarmonica
    – Lycée scientifique Gobetti (Torino)
    – Fondation Verga (Milano)
    – La La Tenda de Salerno, association de solidarité et de développement local
    – Alouan, association d’intervention interculturelle de la ville de Torino
    – L’unité interculturelle de l’ASL de Treviglio
    – L’UCODEP, association de coopération et d’action dans l’immigration, de Arezzo
    – FIM
    – CISL et FILLEA de Bergamo et Brescia
    – CISL de Lombardie – l’association Punto di svolta
    – la Fraternité du Convento San Gaetano de Brescia
    – le groupe théâtral « maigret-e-magritte » de Torino
    – ASL de Bergamo
    – Communauté montaine de Valcavallina
    – Les volontaires du Garda
    Come noi, 40 ans de présence dans la coopération
    – Les dévots de Paramhansa Yoga Ananda
    – Mains amies
    – Formation Bioénergie
    – Formation en herboristerie Helan
    – Les formations organisées par ISTARTE

    – Il fiore della Vita (Les fleurs de la Vie)
    La Fraternità, groupe de soutien aux personnes privées de liberté
    – Le groupe Antigymnastique, animé par Assunta Ghedini
    – Les pèlerins de la création en route avec don Gabriele Scalmana
    – Le laboratoire “écriture autobiographique et bioénergie”
    – Le groupe de jeun accompagné par La Rugiada
    – La rencontre interreligieuse avec la communauté Betania
    – La compagnie théâtrale Il Melograno
    – La chorale de Trento Ensemble Concilium
    – Le groupe “Mamans du monde” (Isola Bergamasca)
    Le groupe de femmes “La rosa e la spina” (Villanova sul Clisi- BS)

De l’étranger
– Pèlerins de la paroisse St Antoine de Bruxelles
MOC – mouvement ouvrier chrétien de Belgique avec les délégués régionaux francophones
– AGORA, initiative d’insertion socioprofessionnelle  (Flandres – Belgique)
– ELAN, de Hasselt (Belgique) séminaire de formation à la diversité animé par Angelo De Simone
– Il Chiostro, organisation de New York pour des séminaires de créativité artistique
– Johannes Müller et ses élèves peintres (Allemagne)
– Le CBAI – Centre Bruxellois d’Action interculturelle de Bruxelles
– Il GES – Gabinete de Estudios socials di Barcellona
Les grands lunaires, onlus de diffusion culturelle
– La Katholieke Hogeschool Leuven
– ECDE (Exchange for community development in Europe)
– Corale de Hamburg, dirigée par Christian Mathes
– L’écrivain Jean Lacouture (FR)
– Groupe CORDOBA, centres  culturels flamands de Belgique
AGM-Colori di Petra Hubenstein con la collaborazione di Sonja Merker
CEFIR, association interculturelle de Dunkerque
– Les séminaires de peintures organisés par Johannes Muller
– Ascenging Ways, laboratoires de développement personnel animés par Heidemarie Grünewald
– Les ateliers d’écriture animés par Maya Vigier
– Les éco-retraites de Riitta Wahlstrom
– Margalit Cohen-Emerique, formatrice et auteure de la méthode de dépassement des incidents critiques
– L’association des peintres Kunstwestthüringer e.V. Mühlausen di Thuringia
-“Les sages”, groupe international d’experts des migrations
– “La coordination des Services sociaux de Schaerbeek”(B)
– Le groupe de peintres avec Eva Bley (D)
– L’atelier d’écriture animé par Sophie David (F)
– Le groupe du partenariat européen avec Progestia (Valladolid)
– Les étudiants et enseignants de la Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel
– L’écrivain Rodolphe de Borchgrave (B)
– Les cours d’italien pour finlandais organisés par Anne-Marie Huttunen
– Les cyclistes de Belgique traversant l’Europe
– L’association CASI-UO de Bruxelles
– Le groupe d’artistes avec Christina Candolin (FIN)
– La SRF (Self Realization Fellowship) de Lienz (A)
– le groupe yoga “L’art d’être” avec Silvana Battaglia (B)
– Le groupe interuniversitaire de théologie promu par la LMU (Munich – D)


Parmi les activités

Activités socio-culturelles
– Des animations et des interventions dans diverses activités de formation et d’évaluation d’action socioculturelle surtout dans le domaine interculturel
– Animation du groupe Jeunes du Garda pour l’Europe (de 2002 à 2005)
– Des sessions d’été pour la pratique de la langue anglaise (de 2001 à 2003)
– Accompagnement d’un groupe local d’engagement civique (2003-2004)
– Sensibilisations et formations à la citoyenneté européenne et depuis 2011 jusqu’à 2017 la page Centro Europeo sur Facebook
– Quatre cycles de formation dans le cadre de l’Université du temps libre promue par l’Echevinat à la culture de Desenzano (2003: immigration – 2004 : Europe – 2005: Religion et société – 2006 : Le monde des jeunes)
Senior on-line en collaboration avec la Commune et le club des pensionnés
– Cineclub mensuel pendant les mois d’hiver (pendant un an)
– l’activité annuelle Mémoire et saveurs du Garda, trois jours de culture et gastronomie, en collaboration avec trois associations locales de bénévolat (2005-2007)
– La fête annuelle des Amis du Convento (en octobre, jusq’en 2015)
– Les initiatives du 7 ottobre 2012 pour le 10e anniversaire du Centre Européen et le 42e du CASI-UO di Bruxelles, avec les musiciens de La corte dei miracoli
– La soirée d’information en 2009 et en 2014 avec lFrancesco Masina sur “Les élections européennes : comment et pourquoi”  et en 2019 avec Franco Panciera “L’Europe en vaut la peine ?

Activités socio-artistiques
Expositions :
-* Cartes postales en couleurs, exposition permanente: peintures à huile par Lina Zerneri, -* Viva la vida, les peintures de Maria Puga (octobre 2007)
-* Rumi et les Mevlevi, les gravures de Gabriele Mandel Khân  (Vicaire général pour l’Italie de la Confrérie Sufi Jerrahi-Halveti) et de Mehmet Büyükçanga (Directeur du Musée d’art moderne et de l’Institut d’Art de l’Université d’Etat, Konya, Tuquie) (octobre 2008)
-* Un ponte tra le due Pasque, les icones de Mary Samuelli (avril 2009)
-* Pace e bene, les oeuvres de 14 artistes, offertes comme prix de la lotérie de soutien au Convento San Tommaso (octobre 2009)
-* Le beau de l’argile, carrelages Art Nouveau de la Collection Roberto Pozzo (Juin 2011) -* Poudres d’ailes, les papillons peints par Maria Puga (septembre 2011)
-* El arbol de la vida, tableaux de Maria Puga (2012)
-* Memoria, photos de mineurs italiens en Belgique, réunies par le CASI-UO (2012)

– Concerts:
-* l’annuel concert en collaboration avec l’Association Cultura Musica in Limes

Rencontres avec les artistes ,
Lorenzo Lotto (2011) avec Laura Salandin
Leonardo da Vinci (2012) avec Piero Giorgi
D.H.Lawrence, collaboration au congrès à l’occasion du 100e anniversaire de l’arrivée de l’artiste à Gargnano (2012)

Activités spirituelles
Lectio divina pendant l’Avent et le Carême
– Participation à l’initiative Jeudis en monastère (en juillet et août)
– Co-organisation d’ initiatives de prière inter-religieuse
– Une rencontre annuelle, à l’occasion de la Paques orthodoxe, animée par Maria Pia PAGANI de l’Université de Pavie (de 2006 à 2012, Pasqua 2010)
sessions de yoga et méditation et autres activités spirituelles:
en 2004, yoga e spiritualità conduite par Frans De Greef,
en 2005, yoga et purification conduite par Fabio Giambarini
en 2010 Yoga et bien etre, conduite par Rodolfo Paguni
en 2011, Yoga et énergie , avec Rodolfo Paguni e Maria Pirola
en 2011, Apprendre à méditer, avec Gianfranco Bertagni – Piero Giorgi – Rodolfo Paguni
en 2012, Apprendre à méditer, avec Gianfranco Bertagni – Piero Giorgi – Ruggero Pan
en 2012, La Voie du yoga , avec Maria Pirola et Silvana Panciera
en 2013, Apprendre à méditer, avec Gianfranco Bertagni – Piero Giorgi – Ruggero Pan
en 2013, Le yoga et ses textes sacrés , avec Maria Pirola, Jacques Scheuer et Silvana Panciera
en 2014, Connaitre le yoga, avec Monica Guidolin
en 2014, en 2015 et en 2016, Apprendre à méditer –  Imparare a meditare , avec Gianfranco Bertagni – Sr Lorella Fracassa – Piero Giorgi
en 2015, Le chemin spirituel d’Henri Le Saux, par Swami Atmananda (Ajatananda Ashram)
en 2015,  Connaître l’Islam (password d’accès à la vidéo : conventovilla), par don Vittorio Pozzo
en 2016, colloque “Beghine e bizzoche in Italia : ieri e oggi
en 2016 et 2017, session yoga “Simone Weil et le yoga du mental“, avec Antonia Tronti
en 2017, Méditer avec les anges, 4 rencontres avec Mara Castellini, angélologue
depuis 2017, l’annuelle session ZEN, organisée par Delfina Lusiardi et Akiko Tamura
en 2018, Saint Thomas et l’Inde, session yoga avec Antonia Tronti
en 2018, Les Anges dans notre quotidien, 4 rencontres avec Mara Castellini, angélologue
en 2019, session yoga L’Évangile de Thomas et l’Inde. Christianisme et spiritualité indienne en vis-à-vis, avec Antonia Tronti  
en 2019, Luis Massignon: le “catholique musulman” au coeur de l’islam“, en compagnie du salésien don Vittorio Pozzo, vivant depuis plus de 60 ans au Moyen Orient

Les trois jours (1-2-3 ottobre 2005) à l’occasion du centenaire du Convento San Tommaso
Les trois jours (3-4-5 ottobre 2008) à l’occasion du 800ème anniversaire de la Règle franciscaine

Depuis 2001, Transito di San Francesco, le soir du 3 octobre
en 2018, Transito di Santa Chiara, le soir du 10 août

Veillée de prière la nuit du réveillon (depuis 2002)
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 , 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 2020, 2022 (guerra e pace),  2023 (il coraggio di essere felici)

Parmi nos publications

• Centro europeo, De la mémoire à la conscience. Sources spirituelles et valeurs éthiques de la citoyennetè européenne, Gargnano, Insertion, 2003, pagg. 160
• Università del Garda, Europa: 27 nazioni un cerca di una patria, Desenzano, Assessorato alla Cultura, 2004, pagg. 160
• (in collaborazione con) Caritas Lombardia, Primo dossier regionale sulla povertà in Lombardia, Milano, Delegazione Caritas Lombardia, 2005, pagg. 192

• B.Ducoli, D. Bardini e alii, Frammenti di Grazia. Sfogliando i primi 100 anni del Convento San Tommaso di Gargnano, Centro Europeo di Gargnano, 2005, 96 pagg.
• Bruno Ducoli, a cura di  Rosetta Bastoni, Un anno con la parola di Dio, Omelie anno A  Gli amici del Convento, Gargnano, 2006, 280 p.
•Bruno Ducoli, a cura di Rosetta Bastoni, La parola di Dio nei tempi dell’uomo , Omelie anno B ,  Gargnano 2010
• Bruno Ducoli, a cura di Rosetta Bastoni, Il Dio di Parola nel rumore del tempoOmelie anno C, Gargnano, 2014

• In ricordo di Bruno, Lasciateci l’amore, Laissez-nous l’amour, Leave us love, 2021
•  Bruno Ducoli, Lasciateci l’Amore, poesie seconda edizione, 13 aprile 2022
•  Bruno Ducoli, Canzoniere dell’emigrazione, testi e accordi delle canzoni del CASI-UO,
13 aprile 2023
•  Bruno Ducoli, Lasciateci l’Amore, Poesie Terza edizione, 13 aprile 2024
• Bruno Ducoli, Spiritual testament

La Piazza édition spéciale  pour les 50 ans du CASI-UO, centrée sur le souvenir de Bruno (in French)

• Piero P. Giorgi (2001) The origins of violence by cultural evolution, pp 214.  Minerva E&S, Brisbane.
• Piero Giorgi, Il filo di seta, Brisbane, Minerva E & S, 2003, pagg. 256 et la deuxième édition par l’éditeur Alberto Perdisa, en 2007
• Piero P. Giorgi (a cura) Etica e politica nelle cariche pubbliche, Centro Europeo, Gargnano 2006.
• Piero Giorgi, La violenza inevitabile: una menzogna moderna, Jaca Book, Milano, 2008
• Piero Giorgi, La rivoluzione nonviolenta, Gabrielli Editori, Verona, 2020

• Silvana Panciera, Talitha Qoum, Caerano San Marco, Zanetti editore, 2001, pagg. 90
• Silvana Panciera, Les béguines, Editions Fidélité , Namur, 2009, 127 pag., deuxième édition en 2012
La parola di Dio nei tempi dell’uomo , omelie di p.Bruno Ducoli, a cura di Rosetta Bastoni, Gargnano 2010 (anno B)
•Silvana Panciera, Le beghine. Una storia di donne per la libertà, Gabrielli editori , 2011, 117 pag.
• Silvana Panciera, Die Beginen, Edition Octopus , Münster, 2014, 149 pag.
• Silvana Panciera, The Beguines, Amazon Kindle Edition , 2014
• Silvana Panciera, Les Béguines. Une communauté de femmes libres, Almora, Paris, 2021
• Silvana Panciera,  Que penser…le yoga, Ed. Fidélité, Namur, 2016.  Voir article paru dans la Revue Rivages n. 6, 2017
Silvana Panciera, Lo yoga come Via. Un contributo spirituale anche per i cristiani, Gabrielli Editori, San Pietro in Cariano, 2017
Silvana Panciera, Yoga as a spiritual Path. A contribution also for Christians. Welcoming appreciations by Axel Bayer and Swami Atmananda Udasin, 2020 ebook livre papier

• E. Fiorenzo Reati, Dio dirà l’ultima parola, Trento, Arca edizioni, 2003, pagg.112
• E. Fiorenzo Reati, Teoria dell’evoluzione: lo sguardo della scienza e della fede cristiana, (Edizione bilingue italo-russa), Gargnano, Centro per il dialogo italorusso, 2003, pagg. 164

• E. Fiorenzo Reati, Amicizia, profumo della vita, Trento, Arca edizioni, 2004, pag. 80
• E. Fiorenzo Reati, Dire Dio oggi, Trento, Arca edizioni, 2005, pagg. 128

•Pier Luigi Bocci e altri, Presenza francescana sul Garda, multimediale, cassetta o DVD
• Pier Luigi Bocci e Roberto Pozzo, Il bello dell’argilla, multimediali e DVD
• Pier Luigi Bocci e Roberto Pozzo, I fiori del Convento, multimediali e DVD
• Silvana Panciera, All om all , A la découverte du mouvement béguinal en Europe, DVD, 2010
• Pier Luigi Bocci et Silvana Panciera, 10 années de Vie (du Centre Européen de Rencontre et de Ressourcement), DVD, 2012 

Continue reading Who and what to remember ?